Classic elegance with a Art Deco detailing. These glasses could be the timeless sports car shades you’ve been searching for.
A review from a present-day WOLF design perspective. While the technology and fashion of the period influence design, and are taken into consideration, great design ideas will transcend their eras to be timeless.
Interesting and factual information may be provided, but our review aims to deliver insight from the perspective of a designer’s mind and eyes.

Classic and simple
Product description
Known simply as the Squared Silver, the sun glasses in this review are designed and produced by MONTBLANC.
Price and Availability.
Online these glasses retail for 350 Euro. In Australia they retail for $650 and are generally available in MONBLANC stores.
Additional information
Designated by Code as MB0218S, this is one of the few current models made by Montblanc with squarish shaped lenses.

First impression/ Delight
As the name suggests, there is definite squareness and masculinity about the shape. It’s easy to mistake these at standard glasses, but when you hold it in your hands and take a closer look, it quickly becomes apparent that these are of a higher quality. There is a lot of subtle detailing with solid feeling chrome work throughout.

Exterior Design Review
These glasses look and feel solid because of their thicker than average metal frames. The metal is chrome plated throughout and there is fine design detailing in every corner. The most notable idea which you can see from any distance is its relatively squared shaped lenses joined above the nose by a thick top bar of chromed metal. Unlike most glasses there is no bridge and this helps to highlight the squared frames. The hinge section bends in three parts and are detailed to look like 3 bands, with the centre band protruding. The centre band overlaps the side temple components by a few millimetres. It’s a very Art Deco look with the iconic Montblanc circular star logo at the end of the centre band.
Curiously the temple piece extends from the hinge as two pieces of metal for approx. one inch. We are not sure of its design intent other than to feel and look more substantial. It almost looks like a clip of some kind. The temple tip/earpiece also has some fine Art deco style lines for extra grip.

For its price point you would expect these glasses to feel like quality, and they certainly do. The chrome work is excellent and covers everything except for the lenses and rubber nose pads. The hinges are firm with a smooth swivel action. The thickness of the frame is marginally larger than average but enough to look and feel substantial without seeming chunky.

FUNCTION- Experience.
The colour combination of chrome against the dark lenses are classic and sporty. There is good weight to theses sunglasses and the quality hinges ensure that they sit firm and comfortably on your head. The temple tips are shaped perfectly for a snug fit and feel surprisingly nice despite being all metal. It’s a classy experience without feeling too showy and that’s partly to do with the Montblanc name and logos being so discrete and subtle.

Desirability / Collectability
These units are still current and not particularly rare or collectible. They are however a quality accessory that is both elegant and functional. The genuine leather box is quite unique and youthful in its design, though the leather strap can be a little inconvenient to secure quickly.

The glasses come in a leather case in black card board box that comes in another cardboard box.
Sun glasses are a rather personal accessory and often only have value when they look good on your face. Therefore, it’s up to the individual to decide if they are valuable by trying them on. What we can say is that the single cross bar and square shaped lenses are distinctive and smart. There is an old school charm about these sunglasses, and we like that the brand is understated in its presentation. If they look good on you, they can be a worthwhile investment as with some care they could last a lifetime.

The Squared silver sunglasses was able to achieve a 7.0 based on its smart understated elegance, and quality build. Perhaps a little more edginess might have scored it a little more?
The information in this review is intended for informational or educational purposes to provide readers an understanding of how something may be seen from a certain design perspective. In this case it is from the view point of WOLF DESIGNS. As design is subjective this review should only be considered as an independent opinion. Information further to being of an opinion is provided to the best of our knowledge based on our own research at the time of doing the review. We cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies and reserve the right to change or update any content as appropriate.
The final responsibility of the design resides with the original manufacturer.